Yellow sapphire stone is an astrological gem with a beautiful yellow hue that can also be used in jewellery. As Mulla Nasruddin, the Sufi character, sat on a river bank, someone shouted to him from the opposite bank, “How do I get to the other side?” Nasruddin, ready as always, yelled back, “You are on the other side!” It is not known how the man took this answer and what he did with it. Did the answer help him? It is not possible to say.
Wisdom does not come directly to us. We discover it for ourselves after our journey through wilderness, that no one else can make for us, from which we cannot be spared. Our struggles and threatening situations are nothing but ladders that destiny wants us to witness before our hour of glory.
We share the story of Renu, who moved from confusion to clarity by buying a golden yellow sapphire stone from us.
Yellow Sapphire Stone – Stroke of luck or the Master stroke?

“Many times luck is nothing but making the best possible decision in a given situation. Being the creative person that I am, fact and number driven decision making did not come easy to me. I was advised to wear a yellow sapphire stone, but kept the decision pending for a long time.
I passed through the rough phase of weak career decision making, was denied a much deserving promotion, struggled through huge commitments with a meager income. Hard work as always was there, but the clarity of thought, to be able to position and showcase my work where it really mattered came after wearing the sapphire. I finally decided to wear a golden sapphire. Last year, I bought one from my closest friend’s family jeweler- Menghraj and Bros.
The added ability to see and think objectively helped me negotiate my terms better. In all aspects of my life. I had always been efficient at my work, but I did not possibly use it to my advantage and move at my ideal pace and skills. But within a year of wearing the sparkling golden sapphire I could not believe the news of my promotion, and the delight of my salary hike, which came twice in the same year.
On a personal level, I’m able to retrospect and think clearly without being influenced by people who could manipulate me. The marvelous gemstone enhanced me to make powerful decisions, and because of clarity in thought, I communicated better.
I owe a lot to the genuinity of the precious stone bought from Menghraj and Bros. They’re not only giving natural sapphires, they advise with design, good craftsmanship and keep the cost within the estimated budget.

Renu R Asrani, Marketing Manager at a Leading Multinational IT company
The golden sapphire enhanced Renu’s communication and creative skills by balancing her vishuddha chakra in her body. When she wore the gemstone, she could express her thoughts frankly, without any hesitation. She gained success in personal relationships as well as her business dealings.
Make the decision of wearing the golden sapphire and see your life change. Make your luck work by your master stroke! “