Yellow Sapphire - 14 Fascinating Facts that you did not know - House of Menghraj

Yellow Sapphire – 14 Fascinating Facts that you did not know

yellow sapphire

Names: Pukhraj, Kanakapushyaragam (sanskrit), Golden Sapphire

Mineral– Corundum 

Planet– Jupiter, the guru of all the planets


Knowledge, wisdom, justice, virtue, fortune, future, religion, children, philosophy, devotion, distant travel, spirituality, truthfulness, prosperity and charity. 

Benefits of wearing the yellow sapphire

Eliminates pessimism or negative thinking. 

Promotes a positive outlook, enhances hope and self confidence.

Associated with great success and good fortune. 

Ensures monetary richness and wealth in the life of the wearer.

Can increase and channelize creative energy into effective action. 

Yellow sapphire in jewelry

Recommended metal: gold or platinum, and no other metal. 

To be worn in a ring. 

To be worn on the index finger in your working hand. 

To be bought and worn on a Thursday.

A part of the stone should almost touch your finger.

Read about how the magical power of Yellow sapphire changed the life of a customer of Menghraj:

How a Yellow Sapphire changed my life


Yellow sapphire is often used to make & customise jewellery.

yellow sapphire

Yellow sapphire in Hindi known as Pukhraj (Pushyaraga/ Pushparagam/ kanakapushyaragam/ kanaga pushparagam) is an astrological gem with a beautiful yellow hue that can be used in jewelry. Its striking yellow hue makes it easily noticeable among other gemstones. Pokhraj stone can be used to create beautifully carved or faceted jewelry such as rings, necklaces, pendants, and bracelets.

It is a warm sunny yellow that brightens jewelry while adding a touch of warmth and color not found in other gemstones. These stones are often used as a substitute for diamonds in women’s wedding and engagement rings. Aside from its striking appearance, what is most striking about yellow sapphires is its cultural and symbolic significance.

One of the most beautiful and coveted gems in the world.

Yellow sapphire is one of the most valuable gemstones and people love to own it. It sparkles like the sun and is thought to spread joy and happiness in the wearer’s life. It is growing in popularity and is considered the best replacement for wedding and engagement rings. This light-colored gemstone is available in pale yellow, lemon yellow, golden yellow, and bright canary yellow. Many celebrities adorn the yellow sapphire beautifully because it enhances the wearer’s overall well-being. However, being one of the rarest gemstones, it is expensive but the benefits are numerous. It is thought to have celestial powers because it originated in the earth’s crust.

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