Looking to Customize jewelry? Know these 5 best ways - House of Menghraj

Looking to Customize jewelry? Know these 5 best ways

custom jewels

Looking to customize jewelry? Copying a design out of the internet/catalog is different from designer jewelry

Catalog made jewelry simply means making jewelry from a catalog, exactly the way the customer can see it. It’s simple: just go to a gold jeweler near you, choose a design and place an order. In catalog made jewels, both you and the jeweler are at a minimum risk. 

Designer jewelry, however, involves a sense to understand and bring unseen jewelry to life. A jewelry designer plays a very important role here.    

Mrs.Jyothi is a spiritual healer by profession. She has her own dress sense and knows exactly how to accessorize it.  From diamond earrings, to healing crystal bracelets, to rudraksh pendants, to gifting jewelry in specific budgets.. we have customized it all for her.

On her last visit, she asked us to make a bangle comprising two peacocks. One may say, ‘That’s not a very difficult ask.’ But this one was different. In most references, the face and beak of birds look away or face in opposite directions. 

peacock bangle sketch
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peacock bangle
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customize jewelry
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A common representation is a bangle of two elephant heads or two lion heads facing one another. Similarly the peacocks must face each other. This was her sketch at our studio.

i want it this way
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Our jewellery designer got busy, giving us references and renders. It was to be purely handmade jewellery

peacock bangle
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We discarded the reference as the beaks and eyes did not see eye to eye. The render was rejected as they looked like two swans. 

The motto of our jewelry studio is foresight. Out focus was not just a design. Out focus was practicality. 

In the first render we created, the bangle looked beautiful, but it was rough from the insides; and it was quite heavy.  Heavy jewels cannot be worn for a long time. And if the bangle scratched on skin or damaged clothing, we would be failing.  We scrapped it before even showing it to her. This was the reference diagram that she approved. And yet, as we went about creating it, our jewellery maker enhanced its beauty with rich enamel colors while we kept the check on its weight.  

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And this was the result of the customer’s patience and Menghraj’s refusal to accept mediocre design. 

peacock heads bangle
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Most jewelry customers do not wish to place orders. They shy away because of 5 reasons: 

(1) The outcome is not very satisfactory. The design is not how they expected it.  

(2) After using it, they find that the design is not practical for them to use. It lies unused in bank lockers forever. 

(3) If they argue, the jeweler will refuse to cancel the order, or accept their point of view. They will be left with no choice but to pick it up. 

(4) The jewelry weight is not under control. Hence they will need to pay more than the estimated cost.  

(5) The jeweler won’t deliver on time.  

Honestly, I don’t deny all of these factors. 

A majority of gold jewellery makers near you do not undertake customizations. That’s because their focus is on selling only the  latest jewellary design to customers. 

The key reason to not do customisation is low making charges. Only jewelry that is mass-produced or bulk produced will sell at low prices. Whereas handcrafted jewelry requires careful attention. They are two different incomparable things. 

Here are 5 Important steps to customize jewelry.

  1. Reference: Before visiting a jewelry maker, study and save references of what you want to be customized. 
  2. Meaningful: Before placing an order, you need to ask yourself: ‘will I wear this piece at least five times in a year?’ If your answer is ‘no’, don’t waste your money and time over it. 
  3. Budget: Be Specific about how much you’re willing to spend. Customizations mean timeless jewelry. They’re your dream jewels that are brought to life by the jeweler. Be willing to spend more than readymade counter jewelry. 
  4. Deadline: How much time do you have? Be willing to extend it by a few days. Good things take time, but they’re worth it. 
  5. Find an Expert: Choose a jeweler who has the expertise and foresight to tell you how practical it would turn out. 

The latest term for ordering jewels from a catalog is ‘bespoke’. Bespoke means simply making the same piece in the picture or sample (at the store) in a different size/ measurement, or a different metal color/ finish, or in a lighter /heavier weight. 

The house of Menghraj are specialized in designing and customizing jewelry for over 4 decades. We advise what’s practical, how much weight is necessary and we ensure timely delivery of orders. 

Even when the piece is being crafted, we involve our customers and offer them to preview the piece for measurement. They own the design, as it is crafted specially for them. They flaunt it with pride, because it is unique jewellery that no one else can make prettier than us.

Looking to customize jewelry? Connect with us

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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