3 Truths about Ear piercing - House of Menghraj

3 Truths about Ear piercing


A patron of so many years, Mrs. Neha called me to ask if I knew someone who can do needle ears piercing for her 6-month-old granddaughter. I didn’t know of anyone.

We had been doing ear piercing for more than 8 years, but not in the traditional way. I was still curious to understand how a customer felt about needle piercing, and how it was any better than the gun shot method.

I asked, “Why are you opting for needle piercing? Why not gunshot?”

Her Answer: “It is less painful. It is hygienic.”

The Truth: You will be lucky If you find an experienced hand at needle piercing. But if you ask hundreds of our customers about gun piercing, and they will smile back at you. Our customers are so satisfied, they can’t stop buying more jewelry for their ears. Needle piercing is much traumatic.

What makes you think that it is hygienic?

Her Answer: “Their environment is cleaner and hygienic.”

The Truth: A gunshot piercing expert solves all these concerns with ease. Gunshot experts cannot repeat a kit that is already used. The post of the earring is inserted directly into your earlobe. Whereas we will never be sure about a fresh needle being used in the needle piercing. Moreover, you will need to contact only a doctor or clinically qualified expert.

She argued, “But the chances of an infection are minimum with needle piercing. They use clean needles, and their spaces are safe.”

The Truth: A gun piercing expert will use sterile kits that are meant only for a single use only.  

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