Gold Savings Scheme
Swarna Utsav
Every event, A Celebration
- Pay 2500 per month for 12 months.
- Your amount is converted into gold. Installments are to be paid before the 10th of every month.
- The 13th installment will be paid by the House of Menghraj on the date of redemption.
- If an installment is lapsed, completion of the term will be postponed by that many months.
- Either pay by cash, or through any of the banking options (post-dated cheques, upi's). Once you pay, share the screenshot along with your membership number with us over WhatsApp.


Pay 2500 per month for 12 months.
You will be a member in a group of 100 members. You will be allowed upto 5 membership in the same group.
Your instalment will be converted to the equivalent weight of that day's prevailing 22ct rate.
Draw will be held on the 11th of every month. Failing which your membership number will not be included in the draw.
The lucky draw winner stops paying.
Every member will have to pay value addition, making charges and stone charges and taxes.
If you do not win, you continue to pay. At the end of 10 months, you pick up the equivalent weight of gold accumulated.
You must pick gold or diamond jewelry. Silver and loose diamonds are out of the purview of the scheme.
Amount will not be refunded.
One instalment will be deducted from members who discontinue the scheme before end of the term. They can only buy after the term of the group will end.
of the offer
- Members should redeem their scheme within 6 months of maturity to avail the benefit of gold accumulation.
- All members will pay Wastage, Making Charges & GST at actuals.
- Members can buy coins, bars, and bullions, but there is no 13th installment benefit.
- PAN Card mandatory for transactions above ₹2Lac.
Premature Withdrawal Policy:
of the offer
- If a member withdraws between the 8th to 11th month- they are entitled to half an installment from the House of Menghraj.
- If a member withdraws before 7 months, the gold conversion won't apply. They can buy gold or diamond jewelry, but cash will not be refunded under any circumstances.